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    Jean Voice Constructions

    Jean Gunnhildr is a playable character in Genshin Impact.

    Daughter of Frederica Gunnhildr and Seamus Pegg, Barbara's older sister and a descendant of the prestigious Gunnhildr Clan, Jean is the Grand Master Quartermaster of the Knights of Favonius. She is always busy managing the riots in Mondstadt and of course working tirelessly to maintain the City of Freedom.



    Jean, the Grand Master Intendant of the Knights of Favonius, has always devoted herself religiously to her duties within the order and to the maintenance of peace in Mondstadt. Despite not having great talents, her great diligence has made her one of the most influential members. When Stormterror threatens the city, he takes action quickly and protects Mondstadt with all his might.


    Jean has a tall, athletic build and fair skin. She has grayish blue eyes and medium length golden blonde hair tied back in a ponytail with a black bow. In her ears, she wears a pair of gold cross earrings.

    He wears a white, blue, black and red strapless shirt with a gold symbol and linings along with an attached long blue tailcoat, a pair of separate white sleeves, a blue and gold short cape with a light blue inner lining attached to a white collar separated with black linings, white stockings embroidered with a gold diamond dot pattern, and a pair of knee-high white high-heeled boots with gold patterns and black heels. She also wears a pair of blue gauntlets.


    As the acting Grand Master of the Knights, Jean takes all of her responsibilities and duties associated with the role seriously, regardless of how trivial the tasks may seem, such as finding a lost cat. Because of this, Jean is often exhausted trying to complete errands from the locals, much to the concern of his peers.

    His devotion to his duties is due to two reasons; her upbringing as a child and Varka's teachings. Although she constantly takes her duties lightly, her laid-back and rebellious personality has contributed to her growth. She shows no resentment towards his attitude, but is committed to making sure the city is more prosperous and welcoming when she returns. Her work ethic makes her appreciated by both the citizens of Mondstadt and her peers, and is recognized by other organizations. Jean always completes her missions gracefully and successfully and is not easily intimidated, and although she prefers to use peaceful methods to solve problems, she will not hesitate to use force if necessary.

    See Vennessa as a role model because of her exploits and how she left an impressive legacy. Whenever she is worried or confused, she often turns to the Great Tree in the Rising

    He has a habit of calling Diluc "sir", even long after he left the Knights. Despite this, he acknowledges that they both share the same vision of protecting Mondstadt.


    Jean is the Intendant Grand Mistress of the Knights of Favonius. She is always busy managing the riots in Mondstadt and of course working tirelessly to maintain the City of Freedom.

    Character story 1

    The Gunnhildr Clan is the oldest family of knights in Mondstadt, dating back even before the first epic was written.

    However, this long and proud lineage can also be a burden. Jean was raised by her mother to be the successor to the Gunnhildr Clan.

    She was trained in all the things a gentleman should know and all the qualities he should exhibit, from discipline, etiquette and conduct, to knowledge of history and ballads, as well as maintaining maximum physical fitness and handling of the sword. Only by upholding this standard can Jean wear the mantle of the Gunnhildr Clan, whose motto is: "For Mondstadt, as always."

    Some time ago, there was a joke that was commonly told in the taverns of Mondstadt: A Gunnhildr learns to say "For Mondstadt, as always" before learning to say "Mommy."

    As a child, Jean once raised her head from the book she was reading, "Breeze Amidst the Forest - Ballad Selection," and saw the other children her age happily playing with pinwheels outside the window. Young Jean knew at that moment what her family motto meant to her.

    Now when she lifts her head from her piles of paperwork and sees the next generation of kids doing the same, Grandmaster Jean has no regrets for her years of service to that motto.

    "You have to give everything to do the right thing. Always."

    Character story 2

    "Master Jean is so trustworthy."

    "If you ever have problems, find Jean. She will know what to do."

    The people of Mondstadt, both civilians and gentlemen, trust Jean.

    If someone needs help for the right reasons, Jean doesn't hesitate to help. Whether it is a dispute in the market, a relationship problem ... No matter how little related it may be to a gentleman's work ... Jean is happy to lend a hand whenever she can.

    "The opportunity to help someone in need is reason enough for a gentleman."

    For her, her duty as a knight takes precedence over her role as acting Grand Mistress. She believes that helping others is the best way to help. He keeps his fellow knights at the same level.

    Lisa, the librarian, once suggested that Jean take a break and "enjoy an afternoon tea, as befits a lady." However, for Jean, doing what is proper for a gentleman takes precedence over doing what is proper for a lady.

    "Jean is so trustworthy."

    That is the reputation Jean enjoys in Mondstadt. Their only complaint is that there are not enough hours in the day. She could never help everyone in need, not even stopping to sleep. The dedication and commitment it takes to become this trustworthy is unimaginable.

    Character story 3

    Given all that Jean has brought to her role as Grand Master in helping role, people sometimes forget that there is indeed a Grand Master who is their superior.

    However, this does not bother her in any way. His role and title within the Knights of Favonius do not affect his work ethic in the least. His passion, honesty, and meticulousness come from two things.

    One is his education and training, which instilled in him a chivalric spirit from a very young age.

    The other is the devout teachings of Varka, the free-spirited knight of Boreas and Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius, currently sent on a crusade.

    The effect that the laid back and rebellious Knight of Boreas Varka has had on Jean's growth has been great.

    "Grandmaster, please take your work seriously. All of Mondstadt admires you."

    "Well, you're my second in command, so helping me is part of your job description. This way, I can focus on the really important things, don't you agree?"


    He is the knight of new frontiers and legendary conquests, while she is the knight of keeping peace and freedom.

    Jean doesn't resent Varka; perhaps there is wisdom in their conduct. However, what Varka leaves undone falls on her shoulders, and then it's up to her to do the right thing.

    Half a year ago, Varka led the elite knights of Favonius on another expedition farther from Mondstadt.

    "(An expedition, how typical of Varka's character)."

    "I'll leave things here for you. I mean, you've basically been doing my job for years, anyway."

    "Leave it to me, Grandmaster."

    After saying goodbye to the Grand Master, Jean sat by the window and thought to herself:

    "(When I return from the expedition ... I will show you a kinder, more prosperous and more peaceful Mondstadt)."

    Character story 4

    The great tree of the Uprising is where the first Dandelion Knight arrived at the end of her journey. She was Vennessa, the founder of the Knights of Favonius and the restorer of Mondstadt. He said goodbye to the city he had promised to protect, leaving behind his legend and a single sapling.

    After centuries of enjoying the bliss of the thousand winds, this sapling grew into a mighty tree. Jean was conferred the title of "Knight of the Dandelion" at the age of fifteen. The title Knight of Dandelion is also known as the Dandelion Knight. Passed down through generations of knights, the title is bestowed only on the most distinguished.

    On the day he received the title, Jean excused himself from the celebrations that followed the award ceremony. As if following in the footsteps of her childhood heroine, she went and stood in front of the great tree. The title Knight of Dandelion symbolizes Vennessa's legacy of endurance and benevolence. So how did Jean think she could be worthy of this honorable title?

    More than a millennium had passed since the restoration of Mondstadt. Did he really have what it took to continue protecting this ancient and proud land of the free? Beneath her seemingly mature face was the heart of a young woman, who had just received her title and was unprepared for the task ahead. The wind was blowing from far away, and she felt it flow inside her as she gently pushed away her doubts and worries, leaving her with unwavering determination:

    For Mondstadt, as always.

    To become as kind and determined a warrior as Vennessa; fight for his people and for freedom ... Yes, that was the true meaning of his simple family motto.

    To this day, whenever Jean feels tired or starts to hesitate, she comes and stands before this tree and lets the wind comfort her once more. It takes away the fatigue, so that you have the strength to keep going.

    The great tree of the Uprising marked the end of the journey of the first Dandelion Knight. But it also symbolizes the beginning of Jean's journey.

    Character story 5

    Teacher Jean has a secret.

    The Gunnhildr Clan is a venerable gentleman's house. This proud blood comes from Jean's mother, Frederica.

    Jean's father, on the other hand, is Simon Page, a famous adventurer across the continent. When he arrived in Mondstadt, he dusted off his past self and started anew with the Church of Favonius, and rose to high office within it, becoming known as the Cardinal of the Dawn. The two lovers finally parted ways. Young Jean, holding her mother's hand, saw the silhouettes of her father and her sister, Barbara, increasingly distant.

    Later, Barbara would follow in her father's footsteps and join the Church of Favonius, becoming a deaconess much loved by the people. Jean has always wanted to get close to her younger sister, but she doesn't dare to say anything when she faces Barbara's elusive eyes. Perhaps too similar discomfort is a sign that the feeling is shared.

    Teacher Jean has yet another secret.

    No matter how many times she has read the historical classics, despite her title of Knight of Dandelion, and even though she has become the acting Grand Mistress that everyone trusts ... Jean still loves romance novels. This is not because of the girlish years she missed in the middle of her training and duties, or because of the rift that formed in her parents' marriage.

    Jean just yearns for the mutual attraction that is expressed in the stories, those emotions as subtle and fragile as spider silk.

    As a knight, you must put Mondstadt and the Knights of Favonius first.


    "If I could too ..."

    In his office, in the middle of the night, Jean returns to finish reading "Vera's melancholy."

    "If I have time, it should be fine to go to Cape Oath, just before sunrise ... Right?"

    Ducking her head, Jean looks out the window at the bright stars above.

    Jean's Daily Program - Ver. XVII

    This schedule is accurate to the last minute.

    From a morning run with Amber followed by a breakfast trip with Lisa along the way, to hand washing her own clothes and fixing her own change of clothes at night, all things big and small pack Jean's schedule pretty tight.

    All completed items are flagged, while items that are delayed due to external factors list "Why" and "Detailed Reasons."

    Next to the item "Review of public facilities in Mondstadt", delayed due to an outbreak of disease, the following is written:

    "Completed at 3 am, end of month book purchase award canceled."

    Jean sometimes thinks that the inspiration for this schedule may have been the training program her mother developed for her ten years ago.


    If one were to go for skill alone, Jean has long become one of the best swordsmen in Mondstadt. But in Jean's heart, he would rather be a shield that defends freedom and song than a sword that pierces corruption and darkness.

    "Protect" has always been more difficult than "destroy". Around the time she was promoted from Captain of her squad to Master of Knights, she was presented with a great challenge.

    From outside, the Fatui exerted diplomatic pressure, and from within, there were traitors and comrades of the former inspector. Regrouping and finding a way to break through was no easy task.

    But Jean was able to fend off external pressure with one hand and lead the Knights to crush the many plots of the Order of the Abyss with the other, reestablishing the authority of the Knights of Favonius.

    Jean will never forget the moment she received her Vision. At that moment, everything seemed to go quiet when he felt the breeze flow through his hand. The world seemed to vanish, save for the time-honored motto of the Gunnhildr household:

    "For Mondstadt, as always."


    Today is a day worth celebrating. If you have to ask why, well let me remind you that today is when you, who was blessed by the wind, came to this world. Since this is your birthday, I'll let you take it easy * Ahem * ... Happy birthday ... * Ahem *. Forgive my daring, I hope this gift is to your liking.

    Combat information


    Talent Description
    Favonius sword technique
    (Normal attack)
    Normal Attack: Perform up to 5 quick attacks.

    Charged Attack: It consumes a certain amount of Stamina to unleash an attack that contains Anemo strength.

    Descending attack: Launches from the air to hit the ground, damaging enemies along the way and dealing Area Damage upon impact.

    Blizzard's edge
    (Elemental skill)
    Focusing the power of the wind on her blade, Jean channels a mini-storm, knocking enemies in the direction she's pointing and dealing a massive amount of Anemo Damage.
    Hold down: Hold on to order the whirlwind to draw nearby enemies in front of her. The direction of attraction can be adjusted. The character will remain immobile for the duration of the skill.
    Dandelion Breeze
    (Ultimate ability)
    Summons the protection of the wind to create a Dandelion Field, knocking back nearby enemies and dealing Anemo Damage. At the same time, immediately heal a large amount of Life from all allies and team members. The amount restored varies based on Jean's ATK.

    Field of dandelions:

    • Continuously regenerates the Life of an ally.
    • Grants said ally Affinity Anemo.
    • Deals Anemo Damage to enemies entering or leaving the field.
    Companion of the wind
    (Passive 1)
    On hit, Normal Attacks have a 50% chance to heal all party members for 15% of Jean's ATK.
    May the wind guide us
    (Passive 2)
    After using Dandelion's Breeze, regenerate 20% of Elemental Energy.
    Guiding wind
    (Passive 3)
    When a "Perfect" is achieved in a dish with restorative effects, there is a 12% chance of obtaining double the amount of the product.
    Talent enhancement materials
    Teachings of resistance
    Resistance guide
    Philosophy of resistance
    Damaged mask
    Dirty mask
    Menacing mask
    Stormterror Feather


    Each constellation activation requires a Stella Fortuna.
    Level Constellation Description
    1 Jean
    Tempest Coil
    Increases Blizzard Edge's draw speed when held for more than 1 second, and increases the damage it deals by 40%.
    2 Jean
    Shield of the people
    When Jean picks up an Elemental Orb or Particle, her Spd increases. Attack and Vel. Movement of all team members by 15% for 15 seconds.
    3 Jean
    When the west wind blows
    Increase Dandelion's Breeze Skill Level +3.
    It can be increased up to Lv. fifteen.
    4 Jean
    Dandelion Kingdom
    Anemo RES of all enemies within Dandelion's Breeze area decreased by 40%.
    5 Jean
    Explosive burst
    Increase Blizzard's Skill Level +3.
    It can be increased up to Lv. fifteen.
    6 Jean
    Dandelion, faithful protector of Mondstadt
    Within Dandelion's Breeze field, damage taken is decreased by 35%. When exiting it, the effect lasts 3 more attacks or 10 seconds.


    Ascension Nvl. Max. Cost Material Elemental 1 Material Elemental 2 Local Specialty Common Material
    1 20 20,000 Jean
    1 × Piece of turquoise vayuda
    None Jean
    3 × Dandelion Seed
    3 × Damaged Mask
    2 40 40,000 Jean
    3 × Turquoise vayuda fragment
    2 × Hurricane Seed
    10 × Dandelion Seed
    15 × Damaged Mask
    3 50 60,000 Jean
    6 × Turquoise vayuda fragment
    4 × Hurricane Seed
    20 × Dandelion Seed
    12 × Dirty Mask
    4 60 80,000 Jean
    3 × Piece of turquoise vayuda
    8 × Hurricane Seed
    30 × Dandelion Seed
    18 × Dirty Mask
    5 70 100,000 Jean
    6 × Piece of turquoise vayuda
    12 × Hurricane Seed
    45 × Dandelion Seed
    12 × Menacing Mask
    6 80 120,000 Jean
    6 × Turquesa Jews
    20 × Hurricane Seed
    60 × Dandelion Seed
    24 × Menacing Mask
    Max 90 Maximum level


    Max. Level Life ATQ DEF Healing%
    20 1 1 144 19 60 -
    20 2 967 49 155 -
    40 20 3 948 65 206 -
    40 5 908 96 309 -
    50 40 6 605 108 345 5.5%
    50 7 599 124 397 5.5%
    60 50 8 528 139 446 11.1%
    60 9 533 155 499 11.1%
    70 60 10 230 166 535 11.1%
    70 11 243 183 588 11.1%
    80 70 11 940 195 624 16.6%
    80 12 965 211 678 16.6%
    90/Max 80 13 662 222 715 22.2%
    90/Max 14 695 239 769 22.2%

    locker rooms

  • Jean Wind shield
  • Jean Wind shield
  • Jean Dream of the sea breeze
  • Jean Dream of the sea breeze

    JeanJeanConstellation Leo MinorJeanJeanImage of the characters

    Change history

    Version 1.5 Added "About Eula ..." dialog. Version 1.4 Updated the icon on Jean's team. Version 1.0 Jean was added to the game.


    • Jean and Barbara are sisters, but when their parents separated, Jean stayed with her mother while Barbara stayed with her father.
    • He has a pet turtle.
    • Jean's Chinese voice actress Su Lin (林 簌) is one of the directors of Genshin Impact's Chinese voice actors. He also gives voice to Ganyu.
    • Jean and Diluc are the only two Mondstadt residents who know that Venti is Barbatos. While Venti also revealed her identity to Stanley, the latter has no recollection of their conversation.


    • Jean is an English feminine name derived from John, which in turn is derived from the Hebrew יוחנן Yôḥānān, "Yahweh is merciful."
      • Yahweh was the national god of the kingdoms of Israel (Samaria) and Judah during the Iron Age, appearing as a typical Near Eastern "warrior god" who leads a divine host; the armies of Yahweh, against the enemies of the town of Israel.
    • Jean's Chinese name, 琴 Qín, can be translated as "Lira". The Chinese version of the Archon Mission: State of Der Himmel, the sacred, uses this to make a pun; When Jean praises the Sacred Lyre, Der Himmel initially refers to it as 琴 Qín, which gives Paimon the impression that she is praising herself.
    • His last name, Gunnhildr, is made up of two Old Norse words, gunnr + hildr, which mean "Battle".


    Mondstadt ▲
    Jean Viajero Jean albedo Jean Jean Amber Jean Jean Bennett Jean Jean Barbara Jean Jean Dilute Jean Jean dione Jean Jean Eula Jean Jean Fischl Jean Jean kaeya Jean Jean Klee Jean Jean Lisa Jean Jean Mona Jean Jean Noelle Jean Jean Razor Jean Jean Rosaria Jean Jean Saccharose Jean Jean Thomas Jean Jean Winds Jean
    Liyue ▼ ▲
    Jean Beidou Jean Jean Chongyun Jean Jean Ganyu Jean Jean Hu Tao Jean Jean Keching Jean Jean Ninguang Jean Jean Qiqi Jean Jean Xiangling Jean Jean Xiao Jean Jean Xingchiu Jean Jean Xinyan Jean Jean Yanfei Jean Jean Zhongli Jean
    Jean Kaedehara kazuha Jean Jean Kamisato ayaka Jean Jean Kujou sara Jean Jean Sangonomiya kokomi Jean Jean Sayu Jean Jean Shogun Raiden Jean Jean Thomas Jean Jean Yohimiya Jean
    Snezhnaya ▼ ▲
    Jean Tartaglia Jean

    Character story 1

    The Gunnhildr Clan is the oldest family of knights in Mondstadt, dating back even before the first epic was written.

    However, this long and proud lineage can also be a burden. Jean was raised by her mother to be the successor to the Gunnhildr Clan.

    She was trained in all the things a gentleman should know and all the qualities he should exhibit, from discipline, etiquette and conduct, to knowledge of history and ballads, as well as maintaining maximum physical fitness and handling of the sword. Only by upholding this standard can Jean wear the mantle of the Gunnhildr Clan, whose motto is: "For Mondstadt, as always."

    Some time ago, there was a joke that was commonly told in the taverns of Mondstadt: A Gunnhildr learns to say "For Mondstadt, as always" before learning to say "Mommy."

    As a child, Jean once raised her head from the book she was reading, "Breeze Amidst the Forest - Ballad Selection," and saw the other children her age happily playing with pinwheels outside the window. Young Jean knew at that moment what her family motto meant to her.

    Now when she lifts her head from her piles of paperwork and sees the next generation of kids doing the same, Grandmaster Jean has no regrets for her years of service to that motto.

    "You have to give everything to do the right thing. Always."

    Character story 2

    "Master Jean is so trustworthy."

    "If you ever have problems, find Jean. She will know what to do."

    The people of Mondstadt, both civilians and gentlemen, trust Jean.

    If someone needs help for the right reasons, Jean doesn't hesitate to help. Whether it is a dispute in the market, a relationship problem ... No matter how little related it may be to a gentleman's work ... Jean is happy to lend a hand whenever she can.

    "The opportunity to help someone in need is reason enough for a gentleman."

    For her, her duty as a knight takes precedence over her role as acting Grand Mistress. She believes that helping others is the best way to help. He keeps his fellow knights at the same level.

    Lisa, the librarian, once suggested that Jean take a break and "enjoy an afternoon tea, as befits a lady." However, for Jean, doing what is proper for a gentleman takes precedence over doing what is proper for a lady.

    "Jean is so trustworthy."

    That is the reputation Jean enjoys in Mondstadt. Their only complaint is that there are not enough hours in the day. She could never help everyone in need, not even stopping to sleep. The dedication and commitment it takes to become this trustworthy is unimaginable.

    Character story 3

    Given all that Jean has brought to her role as Grand Master in helping role, people sometimes forget that there is indeed a Grand Master who is their superior.

    However, this does not bother her in any way. His role and title within the Knights of Favonius do not affect his work ethic in the least. His passion, honesty, and meticulousness come from two things.

    One is his education and training, which instilled in him a chivalric spirit from a very young age.

    The other is the devout teachings of Varka, the free-spirited knight of Boreas and Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius, currently sent on a crusade.

    The effect that the laid back and rebellious Knight of Boreas Varka has had on Jean's growth has been great.

    "Grandmaster, please take your work seriously. All of Mondstadt admires you."

    "Well, you're my second in command, so helping me is part of your job description. This way, I can focus on the really important things, don't you agree?"


    He is the knight of new frontiers and legendary conquests, while she is the knight of keeping peace and freedom.

    Jean doesn't resent Varka; perhaps there is wisdom in their conduct. However, what Varka leaves undone falls on her shoulders, and then it's up to her to do the right thing.

    Half a year ago, Varka led the elite knights of Favonius on another expedition farther from Mondstadt.

    "(An expedition, how typical of Varka's character)."

    "I'll leave things here for you. I mean, you've basically been doing my job for years, anyway."

    "Leave it to me, Grandmaster."

    After saying goodbye to the Grand Master, Jean sat by the window and thought to herself:

    "(When I return from the expedition ... I will show you a kinder, more prosperous and more peaceful Mondstadt)."

    Character story 4

    The great tree of the Uprising is where the first Dandelion Knight arrived at the end of her journey. She was Vennessa, the founder of the Knights of Favonius and the restorer of Mondstadt. He said goodbye to the city he had promised to protect, leaving behind his legend and a single sapling.

    After centuries of enjoying the bliss of the thousand winds, this sapling grew into a mighty tree. Jean was conferred the title of "Knight of the Dandelion" at the age of fifteen. The title Knight of Dandelion is also known as the Dandelion Knight. Passed down through generations of knights, the title is bestowed only on the most distinguished.

    On the day he received the title, Jean excused himself from the celebrations that followed the award ceremony. As if following in the footsteps of her childhood heroine, she went and stood in front of the great tree. The title Knight of Dandelion symbolizes Vennessa's legacy of endurance and benevolence. So how did Jean think she could be worthy of this honorable title?

    More than a millennium had passed since the restoration of Mondstadt. Did he really have what it took to continue protecting this ancient and proud land of the free? Beneath her seemingly mature face was the heart of a young woman, who had just received her title and was unprepared for the task ahead. The wind was blowing from far away, and she felt it flow inside her as she gently pushed away her doubts and worries, leaving her with unwavering determination:

    For Mondstadt, as always.

    To become as kind and determined a warrior as Vennessa; fight for his people and for freedom ... Yes, that was the true meaning of his simple family motto.

    To this day, whenever Jean feels tired or starts to hesitate, she comes and stands before this tree and lets the wind comfort her once more. It takes away the fatigue, so that you have the strength to keep going.

    The great tree of the Uprising marked the end of the journey of the first Dandelion Knight. But it also symbolizes the beginning of Jean's journey.

    Character story 5

    Teacher Jean has a secret.

    The Gunnhildr Clan is a venerable gentleman's house. This proud blood comes from Jean's mother, Frederica.

    Jean's father, on the other hand, is Simon Page, a famous adventurer across the continent. When he arrived in Mondstadt, he dusted off his past self and started anew with the Church of Favonius, and rose to high office within it, becoming known as the Cardinal of the Dawn. The two lovers finally parted ways. Young Jean, holding her mother's hand, saw the silhouettes of her father and her sister, Barbara, increasingly distant.

    Later, Barbara would follow in her father's footsteps and join the Church of Favonius, becoming a deaconess much loved by the people. Jean has always wanted to get close to her younger sister, but she doesn't dare to say anything when she faces Barbara's elusive eyes. Perhaps too similar discomfort is a sign that the feeling is shared.

    Teacher Jean has yet another secret.

    No matter how many times she has read the historical classics, despite her title of Knight of Dandelion, and even though she has become the acting Grand Mistress that everyone trusts ... Jean still loves romance novels. This is not because of the girlish years she missed in the middle of her training and duties, or because of the rift that formed in her parents' marriage.

    Jean just yearns for the mutual attraction that is expressed in the stories, those emotions as subtle and fragile as spider silk.

    As a knight, you must put Mondstadt and the Knights of Favonius first.


    "If I could too ..."

    In his office, in the middle of the night, Jean returns to finish reading "Vera's melancholy."

    "If I have time, it should be fine to go to Cape Oath, just before sunrise ... Right?"

    Ducking her head, Jean looks out the window at the bright stars above.

    Jean's Daily Program - Ver. XVII

    This schedule is accurate to the last minute.

    From a morning run with Amber followed by a breakfast trip with Lisa along the way, to hand washing her own clothes and fixing her own change of clothes at night, all things big and small pack Jean's schedule pretty tight.

    All completed items are flagged, while items that are delayed due to external factors list "Why" and "Detailed Reasons."

    Next to the item "Review of public facilities in Mondstadt", delayed due to an outbreak of disease, the following is written:

    "Completed at 3 am, end of month book purchase award canceled."

    Jean sometimes thinks that the inspiration for this schedule may have been the training program her mother developed for her ten years ago.


    If one were to go for skill alone, Jean has long become one of the best swordsmen in Mondstadt. But in Jean's heart, he would rather be a shield that defends freedom and song than a sword that pierces corruption and darkness.

    "Protect" has always been more difficult than "destroy". Around the time she was promoted from Captain of her squad to Master of Knights, she was presented with a great challenge.

    From outside, the Fatui exerted diplomatic pressure, and from within, there were traitors and comrades of the former inspector. Regrouping and finding a way to break through was no easy task.

    But Jean was able to fend off external pressure with one hand and lead the Knights to crush the many plots of the Order of the Abyss with the other, reestablishing the authority of the Knights of Favonius.

    Jean will never forget the moment she received her Vision. At that moment, everything seemed to go quiet when he felt the breeze flow through his hand. The world seemed to vanish, save for the time-honored motto of the Gunnhildr household:

    "For Mondstadt, as always."


    Today is a day worth celebrating. If you have to ask why, well let me remind you that today is when you, who was blessed by the wind, came to this world. Since this is your birthday, I'll let you take it easy * Ahem * ... Happy birthday ... * Ahem *. Forgive my daring, I hope this gift is to your liking.

    Mondstadt Characters ▼ ▲ Jean Viajero Jean albedo Jean Jean Amber Jean Jean Bennett Jean Jean Barbara Jean Jean Dilute Jean Jean dione Jean Jean Eula Jean Jean Fischl Jean Jean kaeya Jean Jean Klee Jean Jean Lisa Jean Jean Mona Jean Jean Noelle Jean Jean Razor Jean Jean Rosaria Jean Jean Saccharose Jean Jean Thomas Jean Jean Winds Jean Liyue ▼ ▲ Jean Beidou Jean Jean Chongyun Jean Jean Ganyu Jean Jean Hu Tao Jean Jean Keching Jean Jean Ninguang Jean Jean Qiqi Jean Jean Xiangling Jean Jean Xiao Jean Jean Xingchiu Jean Jean Xinyan Jean Jean Yanfei Jean Jean Zhongli Jean Inazuma Jean Kaedehara kazuha Jean Jean Kamisato ayaka Jean Jean Kujou sara Jean Jean Sangonomiya kokomi Jean Jean Sayu Jean Jean Shogun Raiden Jean Jean Thomas Jean Jean Yohimiya Jean Snezhnaya ▼ ▲ Jean Tartaglia Jean ▼ ▲ Jean Viajero Jean albedo Jean Jean Amber Jean Jean Bennett Jean Jean Barbara Jean Jean Dilute Jean Jean dione Jean Jean Eula Jean Jean Fischl Jean Jean kaeya Jean Jean Klee Jean Jean Lisa Jean Jean Mona Jean Jean Noelle Jean Jean Razor Jean Jean Rosaria Jean Jean Saccharose Jean Jean Thomas Jean Jean Winds Jean ▼ ▲ Jean Beidou Jean Jean Chongyun Jean Jean Ganyu Jean Jean Hu Tao Jean Jean Keching Jean Jean Ninguang Jean Jean Qiqi Jean Jean Xiangling Jean Jean Xiao Jean Jean Xingchiu Jean Jean Xinyan Jean Jean Yanfei Jean Jean Zhongli Jean ▼ ▲ Jean Kaedehara kazuha Jean Jean Kamisato ayaka Jean Jean Kujou sara Jean Jean Sangonomiya kokomi Jean Jean Sayu Jean Jean Shogun Raiden Jean Jean Thomas Jean Jean Yohimiya Jean ▼ ▲ Jean Tartaglia Jean
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